Project Overview

This proposal outlines the development of an online game hub featuring a multiplayer shooter game. The platform will incorporate a chat room, user authentication, friend system, and game lobbies. This document specifies the technical approach, focusing on creating a robust, interactive web application using modern web technologies.

Technical Specifications

Core Features

  • User Authentication: Secure login functionality using Google and Apple accounts.
  • Chat Room: Real-time communication features with different channels (World, Friends, Lobby) for users to interact.
  • Friend System: Ability for users to add friends and manage their friend list.
  • Game Lobbies: Users can create temporary lobbies for playing games or for matchmaking purposes.
  • Online Multiplayer Game: A shooter game where players can join lobbies to play. The game will support reconnection in case of dropout.

Tech Stack


  • Framework: React with Next.js - This combination provides a powerful, efficient framework for building user interfaces with server-side rendering capabilities for improved performance and SEO.
  • Language: TypeScript - Offers type safety, enhancing code quality and maintainability.
  • Real-Time Communication: Socket.IO - For implementing real-time chat functionality and live updates within the game.
  • Game Development: Three.js - For rendering 3D graphics in the web browser, to be used in the development of the multiplayer shooter game.


  • Server Framework: Express.js - A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
  • Database: MongoDB - A NoSQL database ideal for handling dynamic data and real-time updates, which will be used to store user profiles, chat messages, and game data.


  • OAuth 2.0: Integration of Google and Apple Sign-In for secure authentication, leveraging libraries such as Passport.js to streamline the authentication process on the backend.

Development Phases

Phase 1: User Authentication and Chat Room

  1. User Authentication: Implement OAuth 2.0 authentication with Google and Apple, ensuring secure and convenient user login.
  2. Chat Room Setup: Develop the real-time chat functionality using Socket.IO, allowing users to communicate in different channels: World, Friends, Lobby.
  3. Database Integration: Set up MongoDB to store user data, friend lists, and chat messages.

Phase 2: Friend System and Game Lobbies

  1. Friend System: Enable users to send and accept friend requests, view their friend list, and manage friendships.
  2. Lobby Creation: Allow users to create and join temporary lobbies for social interaction or for preparing to play games together.

Phase 3: Online Multiplayer Game

  1. Game Development: Utilize Three.js for developing the 3D multiplayer shooter game, focusing on gameplay mechanics, character controls, and graphics rendering.
  2. Matchmaking and Gameplay: Implement game lobbies and matchmaking logic, ensuring players can join games and play with or against friends.
  3. Reconnection Logic: Develop a robust system to handle user reconnections, preserving game state and ensuring a seamless experience for users who experience temporary network issues.

By leveraging modern web technologies such as React, Next.js, TypeScript, Express.js, MongoDB, Socket.IO, and Three.js, the project aims to deliver a high-quality, interactive web application that meets the course’s rigorous requirements and provides a unique platform for gamers to connect and play.